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Our Luxurious hand soap was formulated for 100% protection. Washing your hands is one of the most effect way to prevent getting infected with the corona virus and other pathogens, study shows that we all touch our faces 16 time an hour. Yes there are hand sanitizers but they driy out the hands and in some cases some people are allergic to the ingredients. ORRC Botanical Hand Soap is pure and the ingredients are all botanicl extracts with powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial properties. The heavenly scents fill the air, and the velvety feel on your hands is very soothing, this ids due to our glycerine and oils blend, your hands are protected from dryinging out yet the effectiveness of cleansing is profound.  We have two scents. Imagine the fresh scent of the wilderness on a rainyday with the mell of wood, pine, eucalyptus and wild flowers.  And the smell of sweet almond,  rose, egyptian geranium and lavender.  Your little ones will love to wash their hands due to the beautiful scents. 4ozs.

ORRC BOTANICAL HAND SOAP (Anti-Viral, Anti-Bacterial)

SKU: BHS: 09876
Price Options
One-time purchase
ORRC Botanical Hand
Heavenly scent antiviral botanical soap
$8.49every month until canceled
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